Crop monitoring

For crop monitoring, we have totally autonomous equipment, powered by battery and solar panel, which incorporates a high-resolution camera through which photographs are taken of the crop. We have several camera models: panoramic, zoom or a third type that includes both cameras.

seguimiento del cultivo
camaras para seguir la evolución de los cultivos

Crop monitoring cameras allow you to visit the farm without having to travel.

With them we can obtain high-resolution images of the crop and observe the state of the crop remotely.

  • Crop growth and development
  • Efficiency of fertilisations and phytosanitary treatments
  • Disease control
  • Monitoring of fruit growth

CropView Station

Dual high-definition camera

  • Panoramic monitoring
  • Fruit monitoring (detection, count and diameter)
  • Fertilisation and disease monitoring
camara para los cultivos